Internet Cat Video Festival terminated, 'copycat' fests encouraged

The Walker Art Center is putting an end to the Internet Cat Video Festival after 4 successful years. The end of the festival's run was appropriately announced via an internet cat video, featuring celebrity feline Henri, Le Chat Noir.

The Internet Cat Video Festival started in 2012 as "the first offline celebration of online cat videos." The Walker is donating its cat-themed archive to the Minnesota Historical Society, and hopes the 21st Century tradition will continue with “copycat” festivals.”

Au Revior from Henri: “Humans are social creatures. However, they usually enjoy cat videos in solitaire. Perhaps, embarrassed of their inferiority to felines, they choose seclusion. However, in 2012 the Walker Art Center brought the world the Internet Cat Video Festival. People could finally admit their devotion to these fascinating creatures. Thousands of humans around the world were lured from their couches and cubicles, to reward feline auteurs such as myself. Now that the cultural sovereignty of cats has been established beyond doubt, the Walker is setting the festival free and going to work on new projects. They would like to thank all of the fans and supporters. I would like to go outside and nap in the sun. Good day, cat fans.”

Watch it on YouTube at