Fox 9's Green Line time test, 1 year later
When it opened one year ago, the light rail Green Line was billed as a speedy way to get from Minneapolis to St. Paul. So Fox 9 put it to the test last year, with some mixed results.
Now a year into this, Fox 9 went back to see if anything had changed. The last time we took the green line from end to end it took us over an hour -- but this time, the travel time was a little different.
For our unscientific experiment, Fox 9 once again synchronized stopwatches before photographer Josh Grenier and reporter Maury Glover hopped on the green line, while photographer John Cottew headed to Minneapolis in his car.
By the time we got to Snelling Avenue, we were 20 minutes in, the same as last year. But the train certainly felt faster, and it was hitting more green lights.
Fox 9 arrived at Target Field just past the 47-minute mark, which is 18 minutes faster than last time. But when we compared stopwatches with Cottew, he beat us by just over a minute -- but the Green Line was a big winner too.
Metro Transit tweaked some of the traffic lights along University Avenue, which shaved off a few minutes.
A spokesperson said the travel time between downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul is 45 minutes 80-85 percent of the time.
Watch the video above for a complete analysis of the Green Line travel times.