'Fill the seat' rally in St. Paul pushes for Amy Coney Barrett confirmation to Supreme Court

Supporters gathered in St. Paul on Sunday to rally for Barrett's confirmation. (FOX 9)
(FOX 9) - Supporters of President Trump gathered Saturday morning to call on Minnesota's senators to approve Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the nation's highest court.
They rallied outside DFL Headquarters in St. Paul. The demonstrators say there's no good reason to stall or block Judge Barrett's Supreme Court nomination.
"President Trump is doing his duty, and he should just do his duty," said one supporter. "Amy Coney Barrett is very qualified so I don't see what the problem is."
Both Senators Klobuchar and Smith have voiced their opposition to Barrett, and to what they call a rushed confirmation process.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on her nomination on Thursday. Barrett's nomination could potentially be approved in a full Senate vote by the end of the month.