Tori McKinney living her dream with hometown Gophers

Playing at the University of Minnesota is what some call a privilege, while others consider it a dream.

Growing up just 20 minutes west of Williams Arena in Minnetonka, freshman Tori McKinney always knew the Gophers were her perfect match. So when Dawn Plitzuweit offered her a scholarship, it was an easy choice.

"Minnesota was like ‘Yeah, we want you’ and I was like ‘OK, I want you guys too,'" McKinney said.

She’s now 20 games into her freshman season, and is averaging 10.3 points per game, playing more than 24 minutes a night and getting 15 starts. Her play is bringing a lot of fans to their feet.

McKinney’s biggest fan? Her mom

Why it matters:

For the McKinney’s, basketball has always brought them closer and it now keeps them connected. One of her biggest fans? Her mother, Jennifer McKinney.

"I don’t even know how to describe it, I get so involved in the game and I’m not playing it." Jennifer said.

"Honestly, she’s just like comical because she doesn’t know a lot about basketball," Tori said.

Dream come true

The offer:

When Plitzuweit offered McKinney a scholarship, her mother didn’t believe it.

"When I got my offer from here, she was like in tears," Tori said.

Jennifer sat by her daughter as Tori called coach Plitzuweit back to confirm the offer. She committed, and her dreams of becoming a Gopher were a reality. 

"I always knew if Tori set her mind to do something, this girl has got determination, and I knew she would make it," Jennifer said. 

Just the beginning for McKinney

Big picture view:

The former Minnetonka standout is now on the hardwood she’s always dreamed of playing on. But she’s only 20 games into her college career.

There’s a long journey ahead, and plenty of time for her mother to learn the game better.

"She’s the biggest support system you can have, she shows up even though she doesn’t know what’s going on and she just continues to support me in my dreams," Tori said.

"I’m here right now, and I’m pinching myself, it is reality," Jennifer said. "I guess if I’m living in a dream, it’s a good dream and I don’t want to wake up."

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