Minnesota National Guard helping with COVID-19 response at Austin nursing home

Members of the Minnesota National Guard are assisting with response to a COVID-19 outbreak at a nursing home in Austin, Minnesota, according to Sacred Heart Care Center officials.

As of Tuesday, Sacred Heart Care Center has 17 confirmed COVID-19 cases - 10 residents and seven staff, according to an update from the facility. The residents who have tested positive have been isolated and are being treated by designated staff. The employees who tested positive are quarantining at home until they recover and can pass all the return-to-work protocols.

Five members of the Minnesota National Guard started helping with resident care at the facility on Oct. 10 after Sacred Heart Care Center needed more emergency staffing. In the past, Sacred Heart had received help from Mayo Clinic, Mower County and temporary staffing agencies. The soldiers will be on site helping for up to two weeks, if needed.

Throughout the pandemic, Minnesota National Guard has responded to help. In May, teams visited long-term care facilities to help increase testing. The Guard has also held multiple free testing clinics.

Sacred Heart Care Center officials also say Monday the Minnesota Department of Health investigated allegations of neglect, but found no evidence.