MnDOT switching from MnPASS to E-ZPass, adding new express lanes

As traffic barrels start to disappear from I-35W, following a years-long construction project to improve the roadway, some other changes are also on the way.

MnPASS is changing to E-ZPass, adding new signs and, in some cases, new express lanes for E-ZPass drivers on 35W, 35E and I-394. But the biggest advantage to E-ZPass might be when you ease your way out of town.

"One of the most common requests we hear all the time is people asking if they can use their MnPASS accounts in other states," explained MnDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher, "particularly Illinois on trips to Chicago with their toll roads."

E-ZPass will save you from waiting in the change line in Illinois, but also in 17 other states including much of the eastern seaboard and Mid-Atlantic states. "E-ZPass was one of the largest in the country and it was the most logical one to really join and be a part of," said MnDOT Director of Operations Brian Kary.

From road trips to trips across the metro, MnDOT says it is a good day for drivers, businesses, and many others.

"With over five million visitors every year to the city of Blaine because of our great sports recreation city that we have, this makes it as easy as possible," added Blaine Mayor Tim Sanders.
