Minnesotans enjoy fishing opener on Saturday

Many Minnesotans were out on lakes and rivers enjoying the fishing opener in the state on Saturday. FOX 9 photojournalist, Eric Gedrose, captured some anglers enjoying the day.

Species added to catch and release MN records

Those participating in the state fishing opener this weekend could make history, as the Minnesota DNR added more than a dozen new species of fish to its catch and release record book this year.

Sacred land returned to Upper Sioux Community

The land that makes up the Upper Sioux Agency State Park in Granite Falls was returned to the Upper Sioux Community on Friday. This is said to be the first time the state of Minnesota has returned a state park to a Native American community.

DNR keeping an eye on fire danger in MN

Warm dry winter conditions creating challenges and concerns for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Already this year Red Flag Warnings have been declared and fire crews have battled wildfires. Sunday morning DNR Wildfire Prevention Specialist Karen Harrison shares some of what the DNR is tracking into the spring. She also points out that people are responsible for 90% of wildfires, and prevention is key especially as people get out to enjoy warm weather earlier in the year.