Minneapolis seeking feedback on sick leave rules that would affect employers outside the city

The city of Minneapolis is looking for feedback on a proposed change to its sick and safe ordinance that would impact businesses and employees outside the city.

Minneapolis officials are asking the public to comment on the proposed changes, which would impact any employer that has employees who work more than 80 hours a year within the city.

The ordinance states employers with six or more employees must provide paid sick and safe time. Employers with fewer than six employees have to provide the leave, but it can be unpaid.

Part and full-time employees are both included in the ordinance as well. One hour of sick and safe time accrues for every 30 hours worked in the city. The time can only be used when an employee is scheduled to work in the city.

The leave time can be used for illnesses, to care for an ill family member, to address issues caused by domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking and to care for a family member due to an unexpected closure of their school or daycare.

The ordinance took effect in July 2017, but its enforcement has stalled due to litigation.

You can provide comments at sicktimeinfo@minneapolismn.gov. In-person comments can be delivered to the Civil Rights Department at 350 S. Fifth St., room 239 in Minneapolis.