Minneapolis police warn of targeted robberies against Spanish-speaking construction workers

The Minneapolis Police Department has reported seeing a recent trend where mainly Spanish-speaking construction workers are being targeted for robbery

Police say the construction workers are targeted while sitting on job sites in their vehicles. Theft from workers' unlocked vehicles while parked at job sites has also been trending, according to law enforcement. 

According to Minneapolis police, suspects involved in these robberies have typically been described as an apparent group of male and female juveniles. A gun was used in some of the robbery cases, police said. 

Some of the reported things stolen were cash, weapons, power tools, wallets and passports. Police say these incidents primarily happen in south Minneapolis. 

According to law enforcement, some arrests have been made, but these incidents continue to happen in the area. 

The Minneapolis Police Department safety tips: 

  • Always lock vehicles.
  • If Minneapolis businesses or residents hire a contractor to do work, inform them of this trend and encourage them to properly secure their vehicles.
  • Never store personal identification documents such as passports or driver's licenses in your car.
  • Share this information with people in your community and neighbors.
  • Keep serial numbers of work tools for recovery purposes.
  • Report suspicious behavior to 911, including people looking into cars and trying door handles.
  • If you can safely record information, share it with the police.
Crime and Public SafetyMinneapolis