Minneapolis police investigate claims that officers pepper-sprayed child
According to the police report, the group engaged with motorists numerous times "jumping on cars and trying to pull open doors. Officers pushed back the crowds to get the motorists out of harms way, then continued to monitor the protest." The report then went on to say that chemical aerosol was used to drive back "hostile crowds."
Twitter response
"This morning I spoke with the mother of a 10-year-old boy who was affected by chemical irritants downtown last night," Chief Harteau said at a Thursday afternoon news conference. "I wanted to know how her son was doing. We are both mothers and we had a good conversation."
Chief Harteau and Mayor Hodges are asking for drivers, bystanders and participants in Wednesday night's demonstration to come forward and provide their statement and any evidence that could help with the investigation."We need to see any and all video, from all angles in this case," Chief Harteau said.
The city is also asking organizers of future protests to work with police to ensure safe and peaceful demonstrations.
The Office of Police Conduct Review will be investigating the police response. This board is made up of both police officers and civilians.