Firefighters rescue dog stuck in frigid marsh in Eden Prairie, Minn.

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Photo from Eden Prairie Fire Department

At Secondhand Hounds Animal Rescue in Eden Prairie, a pup by name of Mister had gotten loose during a potty break and made a run for it.

“He slipped from his collar, and he wasn't the kind of dog at that point that would come back to us really easily,” Shannon Bixby-Pankretz, Secondhand Hounds, said.

Mister headed straight for a nearby lake, swimming out in frigid water and eventually getting back to shore, but not to safety. They found Mister hunkered down deep in the marsh near the water’s edge, unable to make his way back to shore. 

“I borrowed my shoes to one of my volunteers and quickly discovered that it was really thick mud and water and there was no way we would be able to save him by ourselves,” Shannon said.

That's when the Eden Prairie Fire Department stepped in. Firefighters donned ice rescue suits and made their way through the marshy brush surrounding Lake Smetana.

“When I was able to spot him, I spotted him perched up in a bunch of weeds and stuck in the mud so he wasn't able to move,” Matt Adie, Eden Prairie Fire Department, said.  

The firefighters were eventually able to reach Mister and triumphantly bring him back to shore.

“He seemed pretty happy so that was enough to know that he was thankful,” Shannon said.