Eagan choir director grooves on stage while nine months pregnant

Lively, fun and inhibition-free, Dakota Hills Middle School Choir Director Kate Frost is not your ordinary instructor.

Even at nine months pregnant the 29-year-old lives her love of music with no fear.

During this season’s Pop-Rock concert Mrs. Frost encouraged hundreds of students and parents to express themselves much in the same way.

“We danced to ‘I Will Survive’ by Gloria Gaynor, some disco moves,” she laughed, “the big thing in my class and on stage is be yourself, have fun, and just sing your heart out and in this case dance your heart out.”

Normally the annual concert is held in May but the expectant mother moved it up a month and a half so she could bust a move herself.

“I feel like it might in some ways get the baby ready,” beamed Mrs. Frost’s husband Kyle, the band director at Dakota Hills Middle School.

Mr. and Mrs. Frost are expecting their first child in a few weeks. On the surface and by vocation, the couple is a match made in music heaven.

“We work here together, we both teach lessons at our house, and we're also church musicians, so we share three offices, all music,” Mrs. Frost said.

Among the roles Mr. Frost took on at the April 6 concert were crowd control and playing a “mean tambourine.”

“I couldn’t do it without him,” his wife admitted.

Together and apart the Apple Valley couple empowers students through their shared passion.

“It was fun,” said Dakota Hills Eighth grader Alyviana Smith, who told FOX 9 Thursday Mrs. Frost’s bold boogie sent a resounding wave of inspiration. “You don't have to be afraid of what other people will think of you because you're you, and you should be proud of being you.”

“In middle school especially, that's not easy to do,” Mrs. Frost noted.

She was eager to end the season on a very high note for one of her first love –music.

“My first day of high school I just fell in love with my choir director and learned that this is a job you can do,” Kate smiled, “so since I was 14 years old I knew that I wanted to teach music, teach choir. So I went to the University of Minnesota, I came back, subbed in the district, and just tried to get my foot in the door.”

The District 196 motivator has served as Dakota Hills’ choir director for six years.

“Consistently, year after year, she was getting more students because she was generating excitement,” Mr. Frost said.

Mrs. Frost’s dance moves will also serve her outside of the classroom for decades to come if only by sharing video of this season’s concert as a humiliation tool.

“[We will] embarrass our future child due in a month--graduation party, future dating, and say, this is your mom, dancing on stage, pregnant with you!” she giggled.

For now the Frost baby’s gender remains a surprise.