Advocates rally for Justine Damond after Noor charged

Chants for justice echoed down the block Tuesday night from where Justine Damond Ruszczyk was fatally shot in an alley behind her house by a former Minneapolis police officer last summer.

“It was a day when many of us in southwest Minneapolis felt that there are no safe neighborhoods because you should never call for help and then be shot dead by those sworn to protect you,” said Bethany Bradley, who lives in the neighborhood and heads the Women's March of Minnesota. 

Bradley says she felt a sense of relief when she first heard Mohamed Noor was facing murder charges, but then was bothered.

“I stand here today surprised, but glad that charges have been filed against Officer Noor and in the same breath I feel sadness and anger for all the other families who have not experienced this sort of justice,” said Bradley.

“I have to be honest about the fact that justice for one is not justice for all,” said Nekima Levy-Pounds, a lawyer and community activist who unsuccessfully ran for Minneapolis mayor.

Levy-Pounds says Tuesday’s decision by Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman is not enough.

“So Mike Freeman thinks he can appease white people from southwest and the white majority from southwest when there is no pressure on him to change his behavior or his practices,” said Levy-Pounds.

Others say the focus should go beyond race and religion. John Thompson, a good friend of Philando Castile, says the community needs to continue holding law enforcement accountable.

"It doesn't matter what color the police officer was - he could have been green - he did something wrong and he needs to go to jail," said Thompson.

Justine Damond’s family issued a statement saying although they waited more than eight months, they are "pleased" with the way a grand jury and Freeman were diligent in determining these charges are justified.