Suspects sought for stealing thousands with ATM skimmer
SHOREVIEW, Minn. (KMSP) - Ramsey County police are looking to identify several people suspected of installing credit card skimmers on ATMs around the Twin Cities metro and in Wisconsin.
Security cameras caught the suspects placing the skimmers on an ATM outside the City & County Credit Union in Shoreview. Police in Eagan and Rosemount are looking for the same suspects in connection with similar incidents.
Authorities believe the suspects are working in a group and may have ties to incidents in Wisconsin and Texas.
“These two people we have pictures of are not the only people involved in this,” John Eastham, spokesperson for the Ramsey County sheriff’s office, said.
Eastham said the suspects used a red van, possibly a Ford Windstar, at the Shoreview ATM. Authorities do not know whether they are local.
Losses from the skimmers are already in the tens of thousands of dollars, Eastham said.
Authorities are encouraging people to be extra vigilant when using external ATMs or other devices where you input a credit or debit card.
Eastham advises inspecting the front of the ATM for any sign of a credit card skimming device. Skimmers are typically made to match the card readers, but will often have a small lip on them for the people who put them there to retrieve them later. Call police or notify the bank if you notice anything suspicious.
Another good practice to prevent credit card fraud is to hide PIN numbers from view while entering them, even while alone. Some credit card skimmers have pinhole cameras in them to see the PIN number as it is being entered. Eastham said. Putting one hand over the hand that is typing the PIN number can keep it secure.
Anyone with information on the suspects is asked to contact Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Investigator Tim Picha at 651-266-7320.