'Of course I said yes': Minnesota couple shares story of aerial proposal

A Minnesota couple shares their story of a special proposal.
(FOX 9) - A man from Mapleton had quite a surprise for his girlfriend when he took her flying with his new pilot's license late last week.
Kaleb Lehmann and Bobbi Jo Haag have been going out for almost a year, and little did Bobbi Jo know it, her boyfriend was ready to take their relationship to new heights.
"I was pretty excited. I stuck the landing, that's what I've been telling people," Kaleb said.
Lehmann, who is a realtor and real estate appraiser, earned his professional pilot's license a couple of weeks ago, so the two took off from Litchfield Airport last Friday to go sightseeing to celebrate. But, secretly, Lehmann planned to propose by painting the question on the driving range of a friend's golf course in Fairfax and flying over it during their flight.
"We've been dating for a while. Communication is good, she knew it would be coming, but she didn't know how or when or the format it would take place with," Kaleb said.
About 20 minutes into their trip, their date with destiny arrived, as Haag saw her initials and "Marry me?" written in 20-foot high letters in a 60-foot long message Lehmann and his dad had created on the greens. After getting over the shock of the proposal, she agreed to tie the knot.
"I just looked over at him, and he pulled the ring out of his vest and opened the case while he was flying, so it was pretty neat…of course I said yes. It was pretty exciting. I was just blown away."
The couple celebrated with both their families at the golf course later that night and are planning on a wedding next summer or fall.
In the meantime, they'll have quite the engagement story to share.
"All my friends are telling me, ‘man do you have to set the bar so darn high,’ but yeah it was worth it," Kaleb said.