Minnetonka student accused of making racist remarks

MINNETONKA, Minn. (FOX 9) - Racist remarks allegedly made by a student in Minnetonka have sparked outrage over the past week at the high school.
Michael Crump, a parent of one of the basketball players, says Saturday’s Minnetonka varsity girls basketball game was called off because a player on the skippers allegedly made derogatory comments directed towards classmates.
"We’re just trying to navigate through this situation, which is unfortunate," said Crump.
Off the court, the player is accused of using the N-word and telling classmates to commit suicide.
"It’s a thin line, your name can’t be attached to that if you’re of the opposite race," said Crump.
Crump’s daughter Aaliyah starts on the team. The family says the situation is quickly blowing up on her and her teammates.
"Which is unfair to the kids that are currently playing," said Crump.
With Saturday’s game cancelled, now parents have doubts about whether they’ll even be able to finish their season. Their next game was scheduled for Tuesday, but local activists planned to show up and shut it down. Now Crump says: "As of right now that game is canceled."
Parents tell FOX 9 the player at the center of this is the daughter of a Minnetonka school district staff member. Now they want their girls’ voices to be heard, and they want those involved to be held accountable.
In a statement, the district says in part: "There was a dispute between a few of our students involving accusations of hurtful and derogatory words. We are actively working through this situation with the students and their families."
"You got to have these moments of uncomfortability to grow," said Crump. "So hopefully we can come out on the other side with a positive resolution and our voice is being heard"