Family stunned after 12-year-old hit with bullet near home

Police are searching for the gunman that shot a child in North Minneapolis Friday night. Relatives identify the victim as Jamar Williams, 12, and told Fox 9 he was shot outside of his home just after 10 p.m. Friday. 

Williams was going to the store with his mom and brothers when he was shot, Solomon Blackwell, Williams’ stepfather said. Blackwell told Fox 9 relatives believe Williams witnessed a break-in across the street and that the suspect opened fire to scare him off. 

“All I know is, I was in the house playing the game and all I heard was five gunshots go off: one, two, three, four, five,” said Blackwell. “He must have said, oh snap, or something that triggered them to make them scared, to make him get noticed. They said he just fired at him and he said he hid behind my car.” 

Family members rushed Williams to the hospital after a bullet struck him in the knee. 

Those who know Williams say he is a good kid who does well in school. 

“It’s not worth it, it’s a 12-year-old that ain’t did nothing but just come outside, want to get in the care, go to the store, get some snacks, come back home, chill in the house. It’s not worth it,” said Moses Bell, who knows the victim.

His stepdad is glad the injuries weren’t worse. 

“I’m glad he’s still living to be honest,” Blackwell said. “Because somebody shooting directly at him and missed that many times and one bullet just happened to catch him out of five, and it hit him below instead of up here.” 

Williams had surgery Saturday and is expected to make a full recovery. 

City Council member Phillipe Cunningham launched a drive to help the family with expenses. 

The Minneapolis Police Department is still investigating the incident.