Fall colors update: Twin Cities, southern Minnesota peaking this week

A view of the peaking fall colors in Shorewood, Minnesota's Silver Lake. (Megan Sather)
(FOX 9) - Minnesota's fall foliage is full of life across the state this week, according to the Minnesota DNR’s weekly fall colors report.
Currently, fall colors are spreading quickly through the Twin Cities area. Right now, the DNR says maple trees are at peak shades of red and orange, along with yellow and golden-orange leaves in other tree types.

Minnesota's fall colors map from Oct. 8, 2020. (Minnesota DNR)
Big Woods forests and trees along the rivers are especially colorful right now, the DNR says.
In southern Minnesota, fall color is developing quickly. Maples are at or approaching peak and the aspen, oaks and other trees are taking on yellows, oranges, golds and rich reds, too.
Northeast and northwest Minnesota are now past peak, but fall color can still be found in the foliage on the North Shore of Lake Superior.
The central region of the state is also past peak, but colorful eaves can be found in the canopy of the trees and understory shrubs.
“The fall colors are especially stunning this year — head out soon so you don't miss this year's fall color show,” the DNR said in a release.