Child asks Santa Claus to help mom instead of asking for toys

On Thursday in Inver Grover Heights, Santa Claus received a letter from an 11-year-old girl, who didn’t ask for any toys on Christmas morning.

Christmas wish list

What we know: In the letter she wrote: "Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like my mom to get a job, my mom’s spinal disease to go away, bills paid off, mom to get a car, friends and to stop being bullied."

Santa passed the letters on to his helpers.

"Here’s a little girl that basically was selfless. And all she’s thinking about is her family," said Edward Abrahamson with the nonprofit Soldiers 6, and Santa’s helper.  

"Walk a mile in her shoes and paint that picture of what it must be like for her on a daily basis," said Abrahamson.

Community donations

Dig deeper: After posting the letter on Facebook, within hours donations came in hoping to give the 11-year-old girl, her three siblings, and her mother a very merry Christmas.

"We can’t change the world, but we can certainly make it better for this young girl and her family," said Abrahamson.

If you would like to help Santa make sure the 11-year-old girl and her family have a great Christmas, information on how to donate to the nonprofit Soldiers 6 can be found below:

10th Annual Soldiers 6 Christmas Fundraiser. (Supplied)

HolidaysInver Grove HeightsMinnesota