Auto Outreach: Organization offers free car repairs for people of color in Minneapolis
MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - Auto Outreach, of Minneapolis, is a community organization offering free car repairs for Black and Indigenous drivers as well as people experiencing homelessness.
The group, comprised of about 25 volunteers with mechanical experience, operates on donations so it can make house call for everything from oil changes to replacing alternators.
“We love cars and we love people so just giving back to people however we can we figured this was the best way we were going to be able to do it,” said Jon Cass, of Auto Outreach.

Auto Outreach is a community organization that provides free car repairs to people of color in the Twin Cities area.
The organization believes everyone has a right to reliable transportation regardless of their race or income level.
The group has fixed more than 40 cars since February. It even offers free bike tune-ups for BIPOC riders who use two wheels to get around instead of four.
Auto Outreach hopes to raise enough money to pay for a garage to work out of before winter arrives. In the meantime, they’ll continue to put people of color in the driver’s seat one car at a time.
You can find Auto Outreach at or @autooutreachmpls on Instagram