Effects of drought being felt at harvest

Rainfall this weekend will recharge the soil and help rejuvenate trees and pastures on the Sorg farm in Hastings; but it may be too late to help Randy Sorg with the corn, soybean and alfalfa that he is now harvesting.

Sparking truck leads to grass fire in Shakopee

An early morning reminder about just how dry it's been, and how ripe conditions are for brush fires. This happened just before 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, at Highway 169 and Highway 101 in Shakopee. You can see sparks fly out from under a white box truck, cross the road and grow into a grass fire. We sped this video up a bit, but it took just a few minutes in real time to grow into a fire.

Ham Lake man left out of well reimbursement

One year ago the city of Blaine admits it broke rules when it over-pumped water from unpermitted city wells, a decision that left many private well owners without water.

Protecting your lawn and plants from the drought

With the lack of rain, it's shaping up to be a stressful summer for plants. There are products homeowners can put on their lawns and in their flower baskets that help them retain moisture, but mostly, it's about knowing when and how much to water them.

Drought quickly expands in Minnesota

This may be a classic "be careful what you wish for" scenario. April was a mostly cool & another very wet month with plenty of sub average temperatures and gloomy conditions. This coming after the wettest winter on record and one of the wettest starts to spring on record. At this point, Minnesotans couldn't scream loud enough to get the gloom to end. Well, Mother Nature heard you and flipped the switch. May ended up anywhere from the 2nd to 5th sunniest on record, depending on where you live in the state, and the rain completely shut down after the first few days.