Not time to plant spring flowers in Minnesota just yet

After a long winter, many Minnesotans are eager to get outside and get their hands dirty in their gardens. But just because we've had a few nice days does not mean it's time to plant your flowers yet.

Spring planting in MN: When to start

After a long, albeit warm, winter, Minnesotans are eager to start their spring planting. But it isn't time to plant just yet. FOX 9's Mary McGuire has more.

December warm stretch foils winter attractions in Minnesota

An unusually mild winter is wreaking havoc for some yearly winter attractions in Minnesota but organizers for Maple Grove's Ice Castles and the Pond Hockey Championships at Lake Nokomis are hopeful their events will go on.

Annual food basket assembly in Maple Grove

The giving spirit is alive and well in Maple Grove. The Maple Grove Fire Department and The Lions Club are teaming up for an annual tradition of assembling food baskets to support those in need. FOX 9 stops by Maple Grove Fire Station 4 for a look at the effort.